Monday, July 19, 2010

The Flight of the Money - Where Has It Gone?

Two months ago, the “new” General Motors made possible by government bailouts, theft of shareholders’ equity for forced re-distribution to unions, and managerial change at government’s gunpoint, was held up as shining example of success – it was even repaying its debt to Uncle Sam early.

Feds Detect an Oil Seep, Say BP’s Cap May Not Be Working


If three months of waiting for BP to fix its oil leak have taught us anything, it’s not to get too optimistic about potential fixes. On Thursday, BP installed a cap that appeared to cut off the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, but yesterday the federal government officials overseeing the leak response said (pdf) that there appear to be hydrocarbons leaking from the seafloor near the well, and possibly methane detected above the well.


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Nevadans grow desperate as unemployment benefits run out

   Photo Zoom     About 120,000 Nevadans receive unemployment benefits, according to the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation. Since June about 6,000 of them have stopped receiving benefits each week because of the gridlock in Congress.


$450 “processing fee” to renounce U.S. citizenship.

With no announcement and little warning, the US State Department will, effective July 13, charge US citizens a whopping $450 “processing fee” to renounce citizenship.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Have you ever wondered why you can't find a job these day's?

U.S. Jobs for Non-U.S. Nationals (Afghanistan)
(This is a real advert on craigslist)

Positions Available:

SkidSteer Operator

HAZMAT Specialist

Dozer/Grader Operator

Wheel Loader Operator

Fuels Operator

Hazardous Material Supervisor

Accountant, Mid

Administrative Assistant Jr

Administrative Assistant, Mid

Administrative Assistant, Sr

Administrator, Contracts, Sr

Administrator, Subcontract

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lindsey Williams Talks with Alex Jones About Deadly Gases Leaking from BP Spill

Alex welcomes back to the show Lindsey Williams, author of The Energy Non-Crisis, who talks about Big Oil and the Gulf spill. Bilderberg hound and journalist for the American Free Press, Jim Tucker, gives a Bilderberg round-up following the latest elite confab in Spain.

2 THRU 9

Sunday, June 6, 2010

107,000 Floridians lose jobless checks June 4

Payments will stop because Congress has not reauthorized legislation to pay for the complicated mix of programs that keeps benefits flowing to millions of jobless across the country.


Even With a Cleanup, Spilled Oil Stays With Us

BP, in a series of newspaper advertisements about the Deepwater Horizon disaster, says it is “working around the clock to contain and collect most of the leak” and it will “take full responsibility for cleaning up the spill.”
But if past catastrophes are guides, the cleanup by BP workers will capture only a fraction of the crude belched up by the broken well. Much of the oil will be taken care of by nature; the rest is likely to stay with us for decades.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Can Obama and Clinton Look Any More Ridiculous On Iran?

Regardless of what neocons say, the Iranian nuclear program has not violated any IAEA safeguards and so the repeated descriptions of it being an “illicit program” are nothing more than calls for war by the same lairs who painted us into the corner in Iraq, another neocon propaganda success story.
 Now the U.S. wants sanctions brought against Iran for Iran, Brazil, and Turkey enacting the exact policy the U.S. sought only a few months ago.  If this does not expose the hypocrisy and stupidity of our leaders and their disdain for our intelligence, I don’t know what will.  How can Obama and Clinton expect anyone in the international community to take them seriously?  They have been exposed and disgraced while becoming an irrelevant international laughingstock.


BP Comes Up With Latest Plan To Stem "Oil Gusher" In US Gulf

Following the failure of its "top-kill" plan to cap the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, British Petroleum (BP) is now planning to try out another high-risk attempt to deal with the worst environmental disaster in American history.

The latest plan, which will take at least a week to be executed, involves placing a cap over the leak which will be done using robots.



Pope again under firein abuse case

The future Pope Benedict XVI refused to defrock an American priest who admitted molesting numerous children and even served prison time, simply because the priest would not agree to the discipline.


BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Freedom Flotilla Raid by Israeli commando's

Sweden, Spain, Turkey & Greece, just a few of the countries who had peace activist aboard 6 ships headed to Gaza from Cyprus, summons Israeli Ambassodors after Israeli commando's violently stormed and killed 20 of the 700 humanitarian activist onboard one of the ships.

Greece cancels war games with Israel in response to the Freedom Flotilla Raid in International waters.

Israel's response to their violent attack " We found weapons aboard the ships".

Israel attacked the Humanitarian aid convoy in International waters. A breach of International Law.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Breaking News Update: Turks Storm Israeli Embassy in Istanbul

The turkish citizens, who had been protesting outside the Israeli embassy since the early morning hours, tried to storm the building. Reports that windows have been broken in the israeli embassy in Istanbul by angry Turkish citizens.
Turkish-Israeli relations were already strained. This will make the relations even more strained as the majority of Turks already had ill feelings towards the israeli government. This will be a snowball effect.

Breaking News Update: Sheikh Killed in Gaza Envoy Raid

Sheikh Raed Salah, head of Islamic Movement in Israel, killed in the Freedom Flotilla seige.

BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Gaza Flotilla shipped attacked 20 Killed

People of the west do not believe the Israeli spin you will probably hear in the mainstream media. The Israeli spin will probably be something of this nature:

Israel- As the Naval commandos stormed the Mavi Marmara they were confronted with knives by the humanitarian activist and had no choice but to open fire with live ammunition.

The truth: The Mavi maramara which was a Turkish sovereign ship as well as the other 5 boats, sanctioned by 50 different countries, was thoroughly checked by officials before they set sail from Cyprus by the appropriate athorities. No weapons were found. The only things on the boats were 10,000 Tons of Humanitarian aid for the Gazan's. Some of the humanitarian aid included:
Medical supplies
Building Materials
Wheel chairs
as well as other much needed supplies


Update: Israeli naval forces has attacked the Gaza Aid Convoy 150 km from the Gaza coast in International waters. 20 has been killed, 50 wounded. The Mavi marmara was a sovereign Turkish ship sailing from cyprus to Gaza bringing 10,000 Tons of Humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. Turkey warns Israel of 'irreparable consequences of Gaza attack.
The attack by Isreal was totally unprovoked. The Turkish shipped was equipped with media satellite so they could publically televise the response by Israel. Right before the attack Israel blocked all media signals and chose to attack in the darkness of the night.

Stay posted for more updates....